Mom Power

A gun reform activist holds up a sign during a Democratic caucus on the south side of the Capitol Building. Congressional Democrats from the House and the Senate, including: Chris Murphy, Al Green, Sheila Jackson-Lee and special speaker Jesse Jackson, addressed the crowd on gun violence, hatred and unity in America following a “filibuster” and “sit-in” that totaled 40 hours this week. 

AIPAC Convention: Day One


Pro-Palestinian protestors amass in front of the Walter E. Washington Convention Center located near Mount Vernon Plaza, downtown Washington D.C. This large contingent of anti-Israel advocates spoke out against pro-Israel lobby AIPAC, which will hold a convention at the center from March 20 to March 22. Many government leaders on both sides of the political “aisle” will speak, including presidential hopefuls Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump.


Woman: “I like Bernie and he runs a great campaign but I feel like Hillary just knows how to get things done. Who are you looking at for the presidential race?” 

Man: “I’m gonna vote for Trump! He’ll ‘make America great again’ because — because he says so. Besides, he’s really honest, he tells it like it is, and he is really successful.” 

Woman: “We need a divorce…” 

A civil couple converses at a local restaurant in Falls Church, VA. 
In an industry where white males still widely dominate most competition between women and minority candidates, two male professional associates cut through the mid afternoon rush to conduct business at Mayer-Brown LLP in downtown Washington D.C. Mayer-Brown is, however, a major proponent of diversity in the workplace. Candidates are “fairly” evaluated for skill and diverse cultural backgrounds/experiences. It also has business partners scattered all over the globe: Singapore, Beijing, Hong Kong, São Paulo, Dusseldorf, Brussels, Paris, Mexico City and New York City. The D.C office regularly consults the Executive Office, Supreme Court, and Congress on legal issues such as — international trade and business, intellectual property, environmental law, real estate, finance, government, and information technology. In 2005, Mayer-Brown suffered from public relations damage when one of its elite partners was forced to resign due to fraudulent loans equalling 400 million USD. The scandal, known as “Refco” due to its attachment to Refco Inc. affected companies throughout Wall Street. (1999 K Street N.W Washington D.C.) 
Links consulted:
“Accessible information on the Mayer-Brown Washington D.C. location.”  
” On diversity at Mayer-Brown.” 
“Refco Inc. and Mayer-Brown.” 
The American flag remains at “half staff” around Washington D.C as many around the nation recognize the passing of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia.
Heavily-armed Capital Police stand guard at the steps near the Capitol Building’s rear entrance.
Law students enjoy a little PR coverage as they cycle from their internships at the Capitol Building. Washington D.C is a major hub for future lawyers and politicians working within the circuit as young college students with excellent ideas, as these two gentleman here.
A wide-angle shot of the Capitol, taken close to First Street.
A young tourist wanders about the Capitol grounds, possibly executing a top-notch “selfie.”
A news helicopter passes overhead as two tourists gracefully stand next to the Capitol. Moments later, police guardsmen reprimanded the individual on the left for standing on top of the underground glass chamber leading to the Capitol building.
News camera teams gather on the steps leading up to the Supreme Court building during the official viewing of SCOTUS Justice Scalia. President Obama was rumored to be in attendance. Security was quite high.
Barristers bicker about the heavy media presence in front of the Supreme Court building.
A female news correspondent scrolls through her phone as her camera team prepares to broadcast live coverage.
A police officer maintains watch over the gathering crowds. Two large semi-informal lines built up along First Street. A somber rendition of “Amazing Grace” could be heard, as it carried over over the curious spectators.
An official strides across the Supreme Court steps to get “to the bottom of things.”
A spectator casually waits for any sign of the President, or any other major government officials as police screen workers passing along the steps.
Crowds in front of the Supreme Court begin to disperse as the President’s motorcade was spotted leaving along Constitution Avenue. A news correspondent speaks in front of a camera about the happenings on First Street as audio and visual crew members monitor his broadcast.
Newseum attendees descend a large stairwell as I stop along Pennsylvania Avenue heading toward the White House.